Hi Simon,

Nice to meet you in here :-)

Thanks for the update on the nvim-cmp front. I wasn't aware of the latest and 
greatest. Also didn't know about tabnine, which I am now enjoying testing on my 
system! Still didn't jump on the AI bandwagon, but this seems like a good place 
to start...

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with re. overseer!


Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
Web: roosnaflak.com
Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
Mastodon: @k...@sonomu.club
On  5 May 2023  19:04, Simon Martineau wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I have been following the recent discussions about gvim and Sublime Text, and I
>would like to start a new thread about Neovim.
>Thank you Kenneth for promoting nvim-lilypond-suite!
>Regarding auto-completion with cmp-dictionary, it is no longer necessary to
>specify the dictionaries for .ly or .ily files since a recent update. It should
>work directly after installing the plugin and configuring this source in
>nvim-cmp. I have provided an example of minimal configuration in the wiki:
>For those using another plugin manager and another completion manager, the
>syntax to use for dictionary file paths is as follows (there may be differences
>in location between packer, lazy, or other…):
> $LILYDICTPATH/keywords
> $LILYDICTPATH/musicFunctions
> $LILYDICTPATH/articulations
> $LILYDICTPATH/grobProperties
> $LILYDICTPATH/paperVariables
> $LILYDICTPATH/headerVariables
> $LILYDICTPATH/contextProperties
> $LILYDICTPATH/repeatTypes
> $LILYDICTPATH/languageNames
> $LILYDICTPATH/accidentalsStyles
> $LILYDICTPATH/musicCommands
> $LILYDICTPATH/markupCommands
> $LILYDICTPATH/contextsCmd
> $LILYDICTPATH/dynamics
> $LILYDICTPATH/contexts
> $LILYDICTPATH/translators
>I am gradually improving this plugin, so please do not hesitate to let me know
>if there is anything that could be added or improved!
>(Kenneth, I saw your post in the Tips & Tricks issue, and I am taking a little
>time to try to integrate some specificities of nvim-lilypond-suite into this
>config of nvim-overseer, such as the “main file” function and the “include_dir”
>option, for example…)
>I wish you all a good week end!

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