Hi Alessandro,

> Let me explain, because I'm afraid I fell into the XY problem (if that's
> true I apologize for the time wasted). I have a directory with all the
> songs I transcribed, like:
> .
> ├── song1.ly
> ├── song2.ly
> ├── song3.ly
> └── song4.ly
> I would like to be able to compose each song separately (so that I can
> quickly inspect what I am doing, and in case print out a single sheet
> per time), and then maybe have a file (LaTeX or Lilypond) that includes
> different songs.

This is exactly what I do, for most of my projects. I write operas and musicals 
and other large-scale multi-movement works for the “musical stage”. Take, for 
example, my current front-burner project, “The Quest” (a two-act 
“Broadway-style” musical about four Grade 9 girls who play a D&D-like game 
called “Quest”… It has 24 musical songs/cues in it. I have 24 _notes.ily files


In each, I have a variable which creates a “full score” for that song, and I 
have a file


with which I can work on any given single song/cue by simply changing which 
notes file I \include. Finally, I have all the different output scores I need:


In those, I \include the appropriate style file (musical_parts_20pt.ily or 
musical_pianoconductor.ily or whatever) so that the output is exactly what I 

> I would like to control whether to print chords or not
> depending on a option (even better a CLI argument,
> but I don’t think it's possible).

I’m quite sure a CLI argument could be passed, and then the appropriate Scheme 
code in your Lilypond file could include/exclude chords as instructed.

Hope this helps!

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