Le jeudi 27 avril 2023 à 14:57 +0200, Gianmaria Lari a écrit :

> Regarding my second question, let me try to be more clear
> I have a score.
> I want to write the dynamics using a separate variable.
> Suppose that on the first quarter of the tenth measure there is a "forte" and 
> then on the note of the next bar there is a "piano." If all the measures have 
> the same "time signature", let's say of 4/4, then it's pretty easy: just 
> count the beats and multiply by 4. Finally you will write:  
> > s1*9 s4\f s4*3 s4\p
> The operation is not difficult but making mistakes is pretty easy. In fact 
> this system works well if the "time signature" does not change or changes 
> very little in the piece. Otherwise you have to add up the duration of each 
> note individually and making mistakes becomes extremely easy.  
> This thing always seemed so inconvenient to me that I thought it was 
> practically unusable. Or that there was some trick to maybe have Frescobaldi 
> tell me the "position" of the note (meant as numbers of quarter or eight 
> notes from the beginning).
> Hope I have been more clear.

This sounds like it might be a use case for Jan-Peter Voigt's "Edition 
engraver" tool.


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