Mark: That has helped some

\version "2.24.0"

  \relative c' {
  \key af \major
  \time 2/4
  \tempo "Not fast"
   ef8 c' ~c16 bf af g f ef8 df16 c8 bf16 af g af bf c df ef f g af8 r r4
     c8 c4 ef8 f16 (ef8) f16 (ef) f16 (ef8)
          << { bf'16 (af8) bf16 (af) bf (af) ef!~ ef2}
        { s2 r8 ef,16 (f g af bf b) }
[image: image.png]
But with the spacer rests, I want to get the beams pointing downward

 << { _[ bf'16 (af8) bf16] _[ (af) bf (af) ef!~ef2] }
        { s2 r8 ef,16 (f g af bf b) }
The above doesn't seem to be the best way of doing it....
Mike Dean

On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 7:25 PM Mark Stephen Mrotek <>

> Mike,
> One way is to start the lower voice one measure earlier and use a spacer.
> See below.
> Mark
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Mike
> Dean
> *Sent:* Monday, April 17, 2023 4:47 PM
> *To:* Lilypond-User Mailing List <>
> *Subject:* Unterminated terminated tie
> I am needing to figure out how to best tie a note...
> \version "2.24.0"
>   \relative c' {
>   \key af \major
>   \time 2/4
>   \tempo "Not fast"
>    ef8 c' ~c16 bf af g f ef8 df16 c8 bf16 af g af bf c df ef f g af8 r r4
>    \repeat volta 2 {
>      c8 c4 ef8 f16 (ef8) f16 (ef) f16 (ef8)
>           << { bf'16 (af8) bf16 (af) bf (af) ef!~ ef2}
>         \\
>         { s2 r8 ef,16 (f g af bf b) }
>      >>
> I am getting an unterminated tie warning:
> C:/Users/Mike
> Dean/Documents/musicwork/Lilypond/
> <http://0>: warning: unterminated tie
> bf'16 (af8) bf16 (af) bf (af) ef!
> ~
> and the tie needs to go from the ef! to the ef2 in the top of the
> simultaneous voice.
> I have a couple of other instances where I need to do likewise, so any
> help will be welcome. Thanks.
> Mike Dean

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