On 11 Apr 2023, at 08:26, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
> Le mardi 11 avril 2023 à 08:07 +0100, Michael Hendry a écrit :
>> On 10 Apr 2023, at 23:13, Jean Abou Samra j...@abou-samra.fr 
>> <mailto:j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
>>> Le lundi 10 avril 2023 à 22:59 +0100, Michael Hendry a écrit :
>>>> Thanks, Jean, This is what’s in ~.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf:  
>>>> That definitely does not look like a valid config file. It has a duplicate 
>>>> XML declaration, and the <dir> element should not be empty. Not sure what 
>>>> software left this borked config file on this computer. I would just 
>>>> remove it, it's not doing anything apart from triggering errors AFAICS.
>> I’ve deleted this file, with no apparent consequences.
> So you removed the file, yet there is still a warning mentioning that file... 
> ??

Sorry, what I meant was that there were no adverse consequences (in the sense 
of Mac OS warnings, or font problems) of the deletion that I could detect - the 
warnings from Frescobaldi disappeared.
> Are you sure that it's still the same file path in the warning?
> Did you check that the file was indeed not there anymore at the moment you 
> compiled the test .ly file? Maybe some background process / daemon recreated 
> it?

The good news is that I’ve been able to compile one of my old leadsheets 
successfully, including the use of jazz fonts.

I downloaded lilypond-2.4.1, expanded it and moved the whole directory to my 
home directory.
The instructions for the installation of the lilyjazz fonts for Mac OSX assume 
that lilypond is installed as a conventional Mac App, and refer to 
“INSTALLDIR/Lilypond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current” with 
subdirectories for fonts, but there doesn’t appear to be a .DMG version 
available, so I copied the lilyjazz fonts into the corresponding directories in 
I updated Frescobaldi’s preferences to use 2.4.1 by default.
I updated Frescobaldi’s preferences to add 2.4.1’s ./bin and ./etc/fonts to the 
include path.
I loaded a leadsheet.ly file, and ran convert-ly on it (it had already been 
updated to 2.4.0).
This generated a warning about Python3.10, and I opened Privacy & Security to 
fix it.
There was no mention of Python in Privacy & Security, so I closed the warning 
and tried again.
This time there was a warning about Python, so I authorised its use.
Noticing that the first line of the .ly file was unchanged by convert-ly 
(\version “2.24.0”) I adjusted it to 2.24.1.
I then ran “Engrave (preview) and got a warning (as with Python3.10) relating 
to gs, and resolved it the same way

Et voilà! 

Problems solved.

Thanks again for your help.


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