Hi Kieran,

Many thanks indeed - that works a treat!  How does one find out about these
things?  I had tried just

- \tweak extra-spacing-width #'(2 . 3)

which hadn't worked.  Clearly I needed the extra space property of text.

Thanks again,

On Mon, 10 Apr 2023, 9:33 pm Kieren MacMillan, <kie...@kierenmacmillan.info>

> Hi Alasdair,
> > Lilypond sometimes doesn't recognize this symbol as needing space, so
> depending on the spacing of the notes, this symbol can get very squashed.
> How can I add extra horizontal spacing to my function?
> ttr = #(define-event-function (placement) (pair?)
>         #{
>          -\tweak TextScript.extra-spacing-width #'(1 . 5)
>          -\tweak extra-offset #placement
>          -\markup { \fontsize #4 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" }
> #} )
> ??
> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.

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