I'm now able to include the eps - but still struggle to place the clef
(it should be centered on the G-Line) as I like to do:
\version "2.24.0"
\new Staff {
\clef G c'1
\override Staff.Clef.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.Clef.text = \markup \epsfile #X #1.5 "HasslerG3.eps"
\set Staff.clefPosition = #0
\set Staff.clefTransposition = #0
\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-4
\set Staff.middleCClefPosition = #-4
\clef F c
\clef G c'
\layout { }
I tried to include whitespace above the clef in the eps, but this didn't
change anything, looks like the bottom of the eps is placed on the g-line.
best regards
Le samedi 08 avril 2023 à 10:58 +0200, Johannes Roeßler a écrit :
now I managed to make my EPS accessable in Lilypond, and I am able to
use it as markup.
Now I want to use it to replace a clef. In the snippets there is a
way, that creates an alternative stencil and then uses:
\override Clef.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* ((sz (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size 0))
(mlt (magstep sz))
(glyph (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name)))
((equal? glyph "clefs.F")
(ly:stencil-scale my-clef (* 1 mlt) (* 1 mlt)))
((equal? glyph "clefs.F_change")
(ly:stencil-scale my-clef (* .8 mlt) (* .8 mlt)))
(else (ly:clef::print grob)))))
- but in this case I would need to define the stencil. Is there a way
to replace a clef glyph with an EPS?
There is a general technique you can use to replace any grob's stencil
using a markup: set the stencil property to
|ly:text-interface::print|, which tells LilyPond to compute the
stencil using the markup in the |text| property, and set that property
to what you want.
|\layout { \override Staff.Clef.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.Clef.text = \markup \epsfile #X #10
"/home/jean/repos/lilypond/input/regression/lilypond.eps" } |