On Sun, 2023-04-02 at 13:57 +0200, Robin Bannister wrote:
> Richard Shann wrote:
> > There was an option -dgui which allowed Denemo to run LilyPond in
> > the
> > background on Windows, but this has vanished without, as far as I
> > can
> > see, any entry in the Changes to account for it
> > 
> See 
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/commit/0a7d54646be5566de53e2f7dd0c19a2c1df92156?merge_request_iid=1373
Thank you for your quick reply. 
If I understand this correctly, it looks like I will have to spawn a
process that runs a windows batch file that processes the command line
parameters and synthesizes the names of the log file that LilyPond used
to create and then calls LilyPond with re-direction of the output. I'm
not sure that this can be done without a terminal popping up to annoy
the user.

However I think what this says is that the current problem of a
terminal popping up and blocking progress is due something else that
has changed:
there used to be an executable lilypond-windows.exe in addition to the
lilypond.exe which has also vanished. I suspect it was compiled using
the option


passed to gcc as this is how Denemo is compiled to avoid leaving a
terminal around that would tempt the user to kill everything by
dismissing it (Windows users are generally not familiar with

Is there anyway of spawning a LilyPond 2.24 process on Windows now
without plaguing the user with terminals?


> Cheers,
> Robin

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