As far as I understand, it only answers how to specify the
vertical spacing between staves with in a system and the
vertical spacing between systems but it doesn't answer the
question on how to specify the vertical spacing between two
The best solution I can come up with is to use
    piece = \markup{...}
where the \markup command produces something that takes vertical space
but doesn't print on paper. I haven't spent the time to figure out the
details, but the manual page on "Overview of text markup commands"
should hopefully contain some useful command.


Graham Percival wrote:

On 11-Jun-05, at 4:35 AM, Roman Käppeler wrote:

how can I enlarge the vertical gap between the two scores in my
following lilypond structure?

You read the manual section 10.1.5 Vertical spacing.  It's in the
"output formats", "paper output" section.  How was that difficult
to find?

- Graham

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