Le mardi 14 mars 2023 à 14:36 +0000, Archer Endrich a écrit :
> Thank you Xavier and Jean.  The warnings have disappeared and the       
> MMrest with #-6 is perfectly placed on the E line of the staff.  
> The revised version looks like this:  
> \score {  
>         \new Staff {  
>           \time 4/4  
>           \clef treble  
>           g'1^\markup{Fl 1} |  
>             <<  
>                 { \voiceTwo  
>                 \once \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-6  
>                 R1 }  
>                   \oneVoice \new CueVoice {  
>                       r4^"Oboe cue" \stemUp g'8([ a'] ~ a'2) |  
>                 }  
>             >>  
>           r2^\markup{Fl 1} bes'8->\sfz\>([ a'] ~ a'4\!\p) ~ |  
>         }  
>       }  

This isn't how `\voiceTwo` and `\oneVoice` are supposed to be placed. Your 
indentation with `\oneVoice` on the same line suggest you think `\oneVoice` is 
a function being applied to `\new CueVoice { ... }`, but it's not, it's a 
standalone element. You're putting `\oneVoice` in parallel with the `{ 
\voiceTwo ... }` and the `\new CueVoice { ... }`. It occurs at the same time as 
the `\voiceTwo` and in the same voice, effectively cancelling it.

Rather, you want to do

\version "2.24.1"

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \time 4/4
    \clef treble
    g'1^\markup{Fl 1} |
        \voiceTwo % this passage is "voice two"
      \new CueVoice {
        \voiceOne % this new CueVoice is independent and has "voice one" 
        r4^"Oboe cue" \stemUp g'8([ a'] ~ a'2) |
    \oneVoice % this continues the passage with \voiceTwo, use \oneVoice to 
cancel it
    r2^\markup{Fl 1} bes'8->\sfz\>([ a'] ~ a'4\!\p) ~ | 

or use the shorter syntax with `\\` :

\version "2.24.1"

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \time 4/4
    \clef treble
    g'1^\markup{Fl 1} |
      \new CueVoice {
        r4^"Oboe cue" \stemUp g'8([ a'] ~ a'2) |
    r2^\markup{Fl 1} bes'8->\sfz\>([ a'] ~ a'4\!\p) ~ | 

As you can see, you don't need the `\override` anymore, `\voiceTwo` puts the 
multi-measure rest at the right position.

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