Oh, I was operating on old/incorrect info on how to do this.  That works
perfectly, thanks!

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 10:45 AM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

> Le mardi 07 mars 2023 à 10:29 -0600, Matthew Probst a écrit :
> I'm not quite sure how to construct an example--I'm working on my scoring
> for rock/funk band, and I have everything under control due to the great
> help I've received here. One final sticking point is that I like to mark
> repeat signs underneath with a "2x" or "4x".  I've been using  tweaked
> \marks:
>     \tweak direction #DOWN \mark "4x"
> Problem is, if the closing repeat mark is at the end of a line of music as
> it decides to typeset it, this text appears at the beginning of the next
> line instead of at the ending repeat barline where I want it.
> I'm guessing that this is not the best way to mark a bar, and I'm not
> finding the right terminology/concepts to search for what I want on my own.
> For example:
> \version "2.24.1"
> \repeat volta 2 {
>   c'1 1 1 1
>   \tweak direction #DOWN \textEndMark "4×"
> }
> See
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/writing-text.html#text-marks
> For a mark at the beginning of the line, you'd use \textMark instead of
> \textEndMark.
> Note that you could also use \tweak break-visibility
> #begin-of-line-invisible \mark "4×" instead of \textEndMark "4×", but
> using \mark for a textual mark has shortcomings, and it is discouraged
> starting from version 2.24 in favor of \textMark and \textEndMark. It's
> only being kept for compatibility. (This is only about \mark <markup>; \mark
> \default is still recommended for a rehearsal mark.)

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