Le mardi 07 mars 2023 à 11:55 -0500, Nate a écrit :

> I'm trying to set 'lyrics' (chords which do not match lilypond's 
> interpretation of the notes) to notes on a RhythmicStaff, but I'm not seeing 
> the lyrics.
> I thought maybe it was the rhythmicstaff that didn't like lyrics, but perhaps 
> they need to be in a score? This is inside a snippet set inside a latex fbox. 
> The notes print as expected, and the example seems to follow the docs except 
> for the score. Do lyrics need to be inside a score? Did I miss something 
> else? 
>    \lilypond[noindent, nofragment]{
>       \new RhythmicStaff \with { \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \remove 
> "Clef_engraver" \remove "Time_signature_engraver"} {  
>             \new Voice = "melody" { \relative { c8 c4. c8 c8 } } 
>       }
>       \new Lyrics  { \lyricsto "melody" { 1 3 3 3  }  }  
>    }

If I understand correctly, you're seeking to literally print digits like “1” 
and “3” under the rhythmic staff. Is that right?

Naked digits are LilyPond's syntax for durations. LilyPond gives errors 
messages like

/tmp/frescobaldi-p_ajfnr0/tmp277_r7m5/document.ly:7:41: error: not a duration
  \new Lyrics  { \lyricsto "melody" { 1 
                                        3 3 3 } }

on your code because it tries to interpret "3" as a duration, while only "1", 
"2", "4", "8" (plus dotted durations etc.) are valid. If you want them 
literally, you need to quote them, as in

\version "2.24.1"

  \new RhythmicStaff \with { \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \remove 
"Clef_engraver" \remove "Time_signature_engraver"} {
        \new Voice = "melody" { \relative { c8 c4. c8 c8 } } 
  \new Lyrics  { \lyricsto "melody" { "1" "3" "3" "3" } }

Also note that you should use `<< >>`, not `{ }`, around the `\new 
RhythmicStaff` and `\new Lyrics` commands, since `{ }` is the syntax for 
putting expressions in sequence, and you want the lyrics at the same time as 
the melody, not after the melody has ended.

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