Folks,who has ever used option `--show-rules` of `convert-ly`, except for being curious what this option does? In we are discussing whether it would make sense to remove it.
I've definitely used it a number of times over the years, for
example to get a brief overview of recent syntax changes. Another
use case is when trying to figure out the history of when a
particular change happened and what changed, either since I have
an old file myself or there is some question on the mailing list
or I discover some "new" (to me) feature, since that can provide a
pointer to which version of the Changes document to look at to
learn more about the change.
I know that you developers rather search directly in the git
history or the issues history, but there it may be hard to know
what to search for and even with the correct search term you might
get too many hits to be able to quickly sort out which is
relevant. On the other hand convert-ly -s allows me to quickly
browse through the history.
Regarding the discussion in the merge request, I don't see any
reason to translate these messages. I wouldn't expect a lot of
users who use the feature and don't know English sufficiently well
to be able to decipher what it's about, especially since the
Lilypond syntax itself is language independent.