Le mardi 21 février 2023 à 03:55 +0100, mi...@orbelanet.com a écrit : > Hi everyone, > when I write the chords together with one or several melodies, the > chords form a horizontal line, in such a way that if the range of the > melody is very wide, some chords end up being very far from the > notes. > I attach a sample of the .ly file along with its pdf, where you can > see > that the first chords are excessively far from the melody. How can > this > behavior be changed? So you want to break the horizontal alignment of chords? As far as I know, this would be the easiest way: \version "2.24.0" global = { \key c \major \partial 4 \time 2/4 } melody = \relative { r16 g' g g \bar "||" << { e' c c c d b b b c8 a r16 d d c c8 b r16 c c b a8 g r16 g fis g \break c g fis g b g fis g a8 f r16 g fis g b g fis g a f e f g8 e r16 g g g \break } \\ { g4 gis a16 g f a c4 b, a a16 g c d e4 g fis f r g f e r } >> }
harmonies = \chords { \set minorChordModifier = \markup { "-" } s4 c e:7 f2 g c s4 b d2:m g4 g:7 c2 } \score { \new Staff << \harmonies \new Voice { \global \melody } >> \layout { \context { \Staff % move ChordNames inside Staff \accepts ChordNames } \context { \ChordNames % remove the baseline that aligns chord names together \remove Axis_group_engraver % define placement among other outside-staff objects \override ChordName.outside-staff-priority = 500 % print below staff \override ChordName.direction = #DOWN % change distance to staff objects \override ChordName.outside-staff-padding = 0.5 } } } Best, Jean
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