Phil Holmes
On 17/02/2023 12:10, Aberforth D - Instrumentals wrote:
Thanks Shane,
That works for the individual piece. It actually works better with s4
than with s1 because it avoids an automatic bar line at the end of the
staff. However, this may create a problem when all pieces are
combined. The incomplete or invisible bar will then show up again at
the start of the next piece. Is it possible to make s1 somehow
conditional on whether it appears in an isolated piece or as part of
the combined pieces? When all pieces are combined, there is no need
for s4.
On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 at 12:53, Shane Brandes <>
Add an empty measure after the double bar. /bar "||" s1
On Fri, Feb 17, 2023, 4:36 AM Aberforth D - Instrumentals
<> wrote:
I am working on a complete piano vocal score for an opera. To
keep things manageable I work on individual pieces one at a
time, one file per piece. I intend to combine them later with
a superseding file into a book. My problem is this: Sometimes,
a piece ends with a key change or time change in anticipation
of the next piece. In such cases a piece typically ends with a
double barline, because it is not the real end of the piece,
followed by the key change and time change symbols and open
ended staff lines at the right margin. However, when I use the
following code, the staff lines are not printed. How can I
force Lilypond to print the staff lines all the way to the
end, without actually including more musical content? Below is
a short example that illustrates the problem. Thank you for
your help.
\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"
\score {
\new Staff {
\key f \major \time 4/4
c'4 d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' \bar "||"
\clef "bass" \key g \major \time 3/4