Thank you Hans, Gregory and Jean,

Your help is precious.

Just another beginner's question:
I found amazingly that Lily plays the 1/8th tones correctly as it does for 
1/4th tones.
If i need to use other weird scales, can someone point me to the lily code 
responsible for the midi pitch tuning (bend) in lilypond, so I can mess around 


On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:13:55PM +0100, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le mardi 14 février 2023 à 19:11 +0100, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
> > Le mardi 14 février 2023 à 15:27 +0100, Karim Haddad a écrit :
> > 
> > > Dear All,
> > > Maybe this was already submitted. I am looking for this particular symbol 
> > > to use as alteration for 1/8th tones. (cf. screenshot attached)  
> > >  However it seems missing in the Emmentaler font. Is it possible to 
> > > include it or this is a complicated task? I have fontforge on my 
> > > computer.  
> > >  I wish to use it as, 
> > > or something like that.
> > > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Like this, perhaps?
> Sorry, I left one part unfinished before sending. 
> ```
> \version "2.24.0"
> arrow =
>   \markup \override #'(thickness . 1.45)
>     \translate #'(1.24 . 2.3) \overlay {
>       \draw-line #'(0.01 . -2)
>       \draw-line #'(-0.3 . -0.7)
>       \draw-line #'(0.3 . -0.7)
>     }
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     alterationGlyphs =
>       #(acons 1/8 ""
>               standard-alteration-glyph-name-alist)
>     \override Accidental.stencil =
>       #(grob-transformer
>         'stencil
>         (lambda (grob orig)
>           (if (eqv? 1/8 (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration))
>               (ly:stencil-add orig (grob-interpret-markup grob arrow))
>               orig)))
>   }
> }
> #(ly:parser-set-note-names
>   (append pitchnames
>           (map (match-lambda
>                 ((name . pitch)
>                  (cons (symbol-append name 'et)
>                        (ly:pitch-transpose pitch
>                                            (ly:make-pitch 0 0 1/8)))))
>                pitchnames)))
> \fixed c' {
>   % cet = C + one eighth tone, etc.
>   c d cet4 det8 cis dis
> }
> ```
> (The previous version would add arrows on all accidentals.)

Karim Haddad

Music Representations Team, IRCAM
Research and development manager.
email   :
webpage :

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