Le 13 févr. 2023 à 15:51, Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> a écrit :
Hello Pondmates!
I’ve been wondering recently: When acessing the documentation we are usually acessing a specific version, we have something like
This seems to mess with Google’s page scoring quite a bit. Now if I were a new user, oblivious to how certain things work (or a long time user, forgetting how some specific things are done) a fast way to get there would be to ask your local search machine.
But this will then often direct the user to the wrong version. If I were to search for "lilypond beams" Google would send me to the docs for 2.21 (Qwant and bing both give me 2.23 and 2.22 as top results, very nice!).
This will make looking up things harder for users who might be confused about a lot already. So I suppose it might make sense to have some Documentation aliases for the current stable and the current devel versions. Something like
This might over time lead to google & co sending users to the current docs by default and not the one from now again over a year ago.
Just recently we had a list entry about Mensurstriche, where the user tried to use the approach given in the 2.22 manual, while the new 2.24 documentation has the much better way this can be done now in 2.24.
What is you people’s take on this idea?
“ Mailing list support: answer questions from fellow users. (This may entail helping them navigate the online documentation; in such cases it may sometimes be appropriate to point them to version-agnostic URL paths such as /latest/ or /stable/ , which are automatically redirected.)”
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