excellent! Worked perfect.
Your example doesn’t work because the bars between the staves are in fact not 
BarLine grobs, but SpanBar grobs, and they would live in the ChoirStaff context.
The difference between a ChoirStaff and a StaffGroup is that the Choirstaff 
doesn’t contain the Span_Bar_Engraver, that creates them. You would need to 
include the engraver in the ChoirStaff (essentially making it a StaffGroup), 
\omit the SpanBars you don’t need (all the others) and make just the one you 
need visible, like:

\new ChoirStaff \with {
   \consists Span_bar_engraver
   \omit SpanBar }
   \new Staff {
     c''1 b'
     \once \revert ChoirStaff.SpanBar.stencil
     a' }
   \new Staff {
     \clef bass
     a1 g f }

8 feb. 2023 kl. 16:12 skrev Johannes Roeßler<j...@joei.de>:

Hi Group,

how can I add a visible (in the sense of connecting all staffs) barline in a 

I tried  \once \override Staff.BarLine.transparent = ##f \bar "|"

but o course it doesn't work, for its just in a staff...

Best regards

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