Hi, thank you for the suggestions! Attached the piece of notation that I would like to engraver, in a piece for piano solo. I was thinking about using two Staff contexts and a Dynamics context between the staves to put those repeat barline, better if vertically centered. Any other suggestions?
Rip_mus Il ven 3 feb 2023, 15:51 Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> ha scritto: > On 03/02/2023 10:50, Rip _Mus wrote: > > Hi, > > is it possible to use a repeat barline glyph(opened or closed) in a > markup? I'm trying to print it centered between two staves within a > Dynamics context. > > Thank you in advance! > > > The two other answers work, but I wonder if this might be an XY question. > Are you looking for something like this? > > > https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/working-with-ancient-music-_002d-scenarios-and-solutions#mensurstriche-layout > > Best, > Jean > > >