Hi Valentin
Appreciate your proposal very much - exactly what I was looking for.
I added
\paper {
ragged-last = ##f
(not part of my initial question of course) for a perfect result.
Am 31.01.2023 um 23:21 schrieb Valentin Petzel:
Hello Stephan,
this can be done quite nicely:
\version "2.24.0"
partFine = {
% Offset bar line to mitigate slightly wider stencil of |. barline
\once\override Staff.BarLine.X-offset = #0.41
\bar "||"
notesI = \relative c' {
c1^\markup "1." c
notesII = \relative c' {
e2^\markup "2." e e2. e4
notesIII = \relative c' {
g'4^\markup "3." g16 g g g g4 g g g g g
\score {
\new Staff {
\new Voice \notesI
\addlyrics { \lyricmode { Hel -- lo, } }
\new Staff \with { \omit TimeSignature } {
\new Voice \notesII
\addlyrics { \lyricmode { hal -- li hal -- lo } }
\new Staff \with { \omit TimeSignature } {
\new Voice \notesIII
\addlyrics { \lyricmode { hel -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo
-- lo -- lo -- lo } }
\layout {
\override Score.SystemStartBar.stencil = ##f
% This allows us to have different Bars in each Staff.
Am Dienstag, 31. Jänner 2023, 22:17:07 CET schrieb Stephan Schöll:
Hi all
I happened to typeset a few canons from several sources the last days.
Let's assume we have a 3-voiced canon. I observed that they look
somewhere between how one would set 3 parallel voices/staves and a
single-voice tune running through 3 lines with a \break after every
"line of lyrics".
Let's start with this MVE
\version "2.24.0"
notesI = \relative c' {
c1^\markup "1." c
notesII = \relative c' {
e2^\markup "2." e e2. e4
notesIII = \relative c' {
g'4^\markup "3." g16 g g g g4 g g g g g
\bar "|."
\score {
\new Staff {
\new Voice \notesI
\addlyrics { \lyricmode { Hel -- lo, } }
\new Staff {
\new Voice \notesII
\addlyrics { \lyricmode { hal -- li hal -- lo } }
\new Staff {
\new Voice \notesIII
\addlyrics { \lyricmode { hel -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo
-- lo -- lo -- lo -- lo } }
What I'd like to *change *(numbers refer to attached illustration):
* (1) remove "SpanBar" that connects the 3 staves on the left, so that
it looks like having 3 systems
* (2) remove fat barline at the end of line/staff 1 and 2, instead have
a regular one \bar "|" (as if it would look like when having a 1-voice
melody (staff) going through 3 lines (systems)
* (3) remove time signature on line 2 and 3
What I'd like to *keep*:
* (4) vertical alignment of the parts / lines
* (5) "fat" barline \bar "|." at the very end, after line 3
Or should I start with a 1-voice song (takes care of barlines and time
signatures) and then address vertical alignment?
Any idea is appreciated! TIA