On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 9:41 PM Michael Werner <reznae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...
> \version "2.24.0"
> \language "english"
> music = { g8 g g g }
> upArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g g }
> downArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g g }
> <<
> \new Dynamics
> \upArticulation
> \new Staff
> \music
> \new Dynamics
> \downArticulation
> >>

I goofed in my code. It doesn't make any allowance for articulations that
change direction depending on whether they're above or below the staff
(fermata, for example). So a bit of a change is in order:

 \version "2.24.0"
\language "english"

music = { g8 g g g }
upArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g-\fermata g }
downArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g-\fermata g }

\new Dynamics \with {
  \override Script.direction = #UP }
{ \upArticulation }
\new Staff
\new Dynamics \with {
  \override Script.direction = #DOWN }
{ \downArticulation }

An alternative would be to explicitly declare the direction by changing:

upArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g-\fermata g }
downArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g-\fermata g }


upArticulation = { g8 g^\upbow g^\fermata g }
downArticulation = { g8 g_\upbow g_\fermata g }

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