Am 29.01.23 um 18:20 schrieb Wol:
On 29/01/2023 10:03, Mark Knoop wrote:
I think Wim may be referring to the various standards of transposing the
B-flat bass clarinet.

- either in bass clef a major 2nd higher than sounding (as in this
   Strauss excerpt)

IME (I'm a trombone player) this is extremely unusual. I've met maybe two pieces (could have been the same one twice) in bass clef Bb. That's in 50 years of playing ... Even worse, it was without key signature (ie all parts had accidentals only) and it didn't say it was transposed...

Every instrument has its own (sometimes historically quite involved) notation conventions.

Bass clef for bass clarinet is not mentioned in Strauss-Berlioz (Study of instrumentation), but e.g. Rachmaninoff uses it routinely (2nd symphony, Symphonic Dances, Isle of the Dead). I'm certain Werner will be able to provide more details :-).


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