Hello Silvain,

this is only true if you define a "rational meter" to be a meter which 
evaluates to a rational number. Note that a Time Signature is NOT a rational 
number, else 3/4 and 6/8 would be equivalent.

And similarly to how a rational argument is not an argument that corresponds 
to a rational number a rational Time Signature can have a different meaning to 
a rational Number.

Of course this does leave the question open of what exactly *is* a rational 
Time Signature. And would it even make sense to use a Time Signature that is 
not rational?


Am Dienstag, 17. Jänner 2023, 15:20:29 CET schrieb Silvain Dupertuis:
> I wonder about the term “irrational” meter. Should not we say “irregular” ??
> as in mathematics, an irrational number is a number which cannot be
> represented as a fraction...
> Le 17.01.23 à 13:30, Leo Correia de Verdier a écrit :
> > Hi Karim!
> > 
> > Your first example seems to work to me (I don’t do irrational meters
> > everyday, so there might be something I’m missing. I would probably write
> > the tuplets explicitly rather than use \scaleDurations). \set
> > Staff.timeSignatureFraction is superfluous, the time signature already
> > does that.

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