> I quite like this, but incorporating this into my previous code I > found going down TWO steps to be optically more pleasing.
OK :-) > \new Staff { > \override TextScript.before-line-breaking = > #(lambda (grob) > (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text > (markup #:replace > `(("♭" . ,#{ \markup{ \tflat} #}) > ("♯" . ,#{ \markup{ \tsharp} #}) > ("♮" . ,#{ \markup{ \tnatural} #})) > (ly:grob-property grob 'text)))) > c'1^"B♭" > c'1^"C♯" > c'1^"D♮" > } *This* is nice! It sort-of corresponds to 'active characters' in TeX. Is there a possibility to register this or a similar function globally so that all markup strings can use it? In any case, please submit this to the LSR! Werner