Jean-Julien Fleck <> writes:

> Hello Joei,
> Le mer. 11 janv. 2023 à 16:23, Johannes Roeßler <> a écrit :
>> Hi Group,
>> how can I avoid that the same notes in two voices are merged?
>> \version "2.24.0"
>> <<{ a'4 }\\{ a' }>>
> Instantiating explicitly the voices can help:
> <<\new Voice { a'4 }\\ \new Voice { a' }>>

That's a misdiagnosis of the effect.  The original version _has_ two
separate Voice context.  The difference is that it also has \voiceOne
and \voiceTwo implied.  If you write

<< \new Voice \with \voiceOne { a'4 } \\
   \new Voice \with \voiceTwo { a' } >>

the results are the same (and \\ which indicates the counted voice
separation becomes redundant).

Whether explicit or implied, the \voiceOne / \voiceTwo is what causes
stem directions to differ and noteheads to be available for merging
instead of collision resolution.

David Kastrup

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