Hi folks,

I noticed a peculiar quirk with how short ties are handled in LilyPond. Take a look at the attached image (source code provided below). Notice that the ties are not positioned the same. I suspect it might be because the Fs are not the same distance away from each other, so in one case LilyPond leaves the tie sitting on the staff line and in the other the tie is pushed down.

For my purposes, I prefer the second rendering. Especially with the slur present, I find that the tie in the first version is getting lost between the notes. This example is a contrived excerpt from a larger work, but this pattern shows up several times in the piece. While I was proofreading, I almost thought one of the ties was missing. Attached is a capture from my PDF viewer showing a particularly bad instance.

Is there a way for me to ensure that these short ties are consistently offset to improve readability?

Many thanks!

\version "2.22.0"

\paper {
  indent = 0
  line-width = 12\cm
  ragged-last = ##t

pattern = \relative c'' { c8 a a g16( f~ 8) r8 }
  \key f \major \time 6/8
  \pattern R2. \break \pattern

-- Aaron Hill

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