Greetings - Jean Abou Samra kindly pointed me in the right direction for the installation of 2.24.0 in Linux with Frescobaldi.
I was successful. Then I tried running convert-ly for all my .ly files, using find . -name '*.ly' -exec convert-ly -e '{}' \; on the command line. That was unsuccessful. I also tried convert-ly -e $(find . -name '*.ly' -print) but both of those commands were unsuccessful. In both cases, I got the message 6: exec: /home/rpalmer/lilypond/usr/bin/python3: not found even though Python 3.10 is in the LilyPond directory. Ah, but I don't see my usr/bin directory. I'm still confused. Any suggestions? All the best, Ralph ______ Ralph Palmer Seattle USA (he, him, his)