Ah! Thanks a lot. Kieren also for taking the effort!
regards, Jogchum
Op 15-12-2022 om 16:27 schreef Jean Abou Samra:
Le 15/12/2022 à 14:57, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
Hi Jogchum,
I suppose it is very simple, but I can't find it in documentation,
or here on the list.
How can one set different lyrics to alternative ending?
It is simple — so simple, you probably didn’t think it would work:
\version "2.23.14"
theMusic = {
\repeat volta 2 {
g'4 4 4 4
\alternative { { f'1 } { c''1 } }
theLyrics = \lyricmode {
The an -- swer is quite plain.
\new Staff \new Voice \theMusic
\addlyrics \theLyrics
As said in another thread [1], I would recommend using the \repeat
construct in the lyrics too:
\version "2.23.82"
theMusic = {
\repeat volta 2 {
g'4 4 4 4
\alternative { { f'1 } { c''1 } }
theLyrics = \lyricmode {
\repeat volta 2 {
The an -- swer is
\alternative {
{ quite }
{ plain. }
\new Staff \new Voice \theMusic
\addlyrics \theLyrics