> Le 12 déc. 2022 à 08:34, Flaming Hakama by Elaine <ela...@flaminghakama.com> 
> a écrit :
> Thinking about this more, it is likely that I did install the previous 2.22 
> version from homebrew.
> Because it certainly was a lot slower than any previous version.
> I guess I'll try that again.  
> Besides wanting/needing to work right now, IIUC, the next official release 
> will as usual not support contemporary macs,

It definitely will.

> and the homebrew version of 2.24 will also likely be as slow as homebrew 
> 2.22--is there any reason to think the homebrew 2.24 version will be compiled 
> differently? 

Yes. LilyPond 2.23 supports compiling Guile bytecode, 2.22 doesn’t.

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