On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 8:39 AM Molly Preston <mollypresto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi. > > In ForScore, lilypond articulations and crescendos show up as hyperlinks. > They are showing up as blue bubbles. I know you can turn it off in > Forscore, is there a way through lilypond to not have them show up that > way? > > -Molly > For what it's worth, I do my engraving with point-and-click on (I do a regular save). Then, when everything is the way I want it, I save with ctrl-shift-p , which turns off point-and-click, and export that pdf into forScore. All the best, Ralph ______ Ralph Palmer Seattle USA (he, him, his) palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com