
(Separately reply follows to some of the specific things that were written.)

In case there is interest, what I did now was tweaking the 
Current_chord_text_engraver from scheme_engravers.scm. It simply takes the 
first pitch specified in a chord as the root, takes the first one with property 
"bass" as the bass, and it additionally listens to text-script-events from 
which it takes the first specified one as the suffix. I use that in a custom 
context called "HarmonicBackground" for lack of something better, same as 
ChordNames but with this engraver instead of the original one. For the input I 
just use relative mode.

An example of how I specify the chord symbols now:

chords = \relative {

<f \over ees>^"7"


\new HarmonicBackground {

Code can be found here: 

It's probably not foolproof; I'm a novice with both LilyPond and Scheme. 
Currently the text-script is hard-coded to go in the superscript of the chord, 
before the slash separator. Perhaps it would be nicer to look if the 
text-script is entered with ^ or _, and even nicer would be to use shorthands 
in an input mode such as the chord mode, but I didn't look at any of the 
input/parser code yet.

For myself that suffices for now; it looks good to me on the page and it's 
easy/flexible to enter.

If anyone more knowledgeable thinks it's worth continuing with, I'd be happy to 
discuss/help! (I can see several advantages and disadvantages.)

All the best, and thanks for the help,

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