In order to run lyluatex with recent versions of lilypond (2.23.x), you must install the most recent version of lyluatex. In other words, you should install Texlive standalone and not the texlive packaged by distros.

See this discussion:

Il giorno mer 23 nov 2022 alle 17:55:34 +0100, Jean Abou Samra <> ha scritto:
Le 23/11/2022 à 16:31, Graham King a écrit :
I've tried to get Scholarly working in the past, but failed. I'm currently failing to get lyluatex working.

There are some really promising tools in OpenLilyLib, but they seem to require someone with Urs' level of focus and intellect to use them. This thread is raising my hopes once more.

I'd suggest you open a new thread about lyLuaTeX, with details
of your problems getting it to run.

(Note that lyLuaTeX isn't part of openLilyLib.)


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