Indeed … thanks for the quick response.

On 11/19/22, 5:55 PM, "Jean Abou Samra" <> wrote:
Le 19/11/2022 à 23:45, David Santamauro a écrit :
> Hi,
> I’m typesetting an ensemble piece in 4/4 where one instrument goes to
> 6/4 – basically short-hand for not having to write two groups of
> quarter note triples for a longer duration. If I follow the
> documentation, it should be (according to the math): 2/3 * 6/4 = 12/12
> (4/4). But the following doesn’t work:
> \version "2.22.2"
> \include ""
> \relative <<
>   \new Staff {
>     \time 4/4
>     c'4 c c c |
>     c4  c c c  |
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \time 4/4
>     \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 6/4
> \scaleDurations 2/3
>     c4 c c c c c
>   }
> >>
> This is my first sojourn into polymetrics with lilpond, so any
> rudimentary help would be appreciated.

Interestingly, someone else asked about the exact same misunderstanding
not long ago.

TL;DR: mind the braces.


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