On 11/15/22 1:47 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Le 15/11/2022 à 21:24, Paul Scott a écrit :
I see \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #format-dal-segno-text-brief

in NR 1.4.1 .

How can I find the documentation to change the text used?

In the internals reference, like all properties in general.


For example I need the common

"D.S. Al Coda with repeats"

\version "2.23.81"

\repeat segno 2 {
  c'1 1 1 1 1
  \once \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter =
    #(lambda (context repeat-count markups)
      #{ \markup \column { "D.S." "Al Coda" "with Repeats" } #})

I'm not finding a place to put that where it works. I get the default text.



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