Am Samstag, 4. Juni 2005 06:27 schrieb Tapio Tuovila:
> I'd like to second Graham's opinion. Compiling 2.5.2x goes smoothly on
> suse 9.3; at least I have noticed no particular problem. And once you
> use 2.5.x you need not worry about dvips -sort of things.

I have deleted 2.4.4 and built 2.5.27 on SuSE now, and you are
right: compilation went quite smoothly. But it is not much use,
because none of my old 2.4.x scores work. I used convert-ly, but I
still have several problems. One score doesn't compile, and the
other ones have one-line-staves instead of five-line ones (this
-at least- seems to be a bug of the unstable version because the
score on page 48 of the 2.5 Manual, pdf version, shows the same

So, I think that I will wait for a new stable version,
because I am fed up with spending days on trying to get
things running.

By the way, thanks to Bo Herlin, but this "solution" didn't
work for me (I had even tried similar soft-link solutions
myself before).

If any of the developers is interested, see below for the
output of the score that doesn't compile.



GNU LilyPond 2.5.27
»« wird verarbeitet In expression (make-stencil-boxer 0.1 
0.25 ...): Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure 
make-stencil-boxer (thickness padding callback)>

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