Well, duration-or-music? already exists and it's used by \skip.
Ah, my bad, I didn't think of looking whether it might already exist. I'm surprised that such an either-/or type predicate doesn't wreak havoc with the parser.
However, this makes for the slight oddity that \skip 4 ... does not set the
default duration for the following music, whereas \skip {4} does.

Which reminds me: Making the current parser default duration scheme-accessible is a long-standing project of mine. This might creating well-behaved music functions a little easier.


This allows writing

  \after 2.+4. \!

Something like the edition-engraver might benefit from this as well.

Admittedly, I was surprised not to get Bison screaming at me about
parser conflicts.

I don't know if this is actually useful enough and the right concept
to warrant adding. Also, it can hardly be extended to accepting "-"
as well as "+", since { 4-16 } is already valid.

I think this might actually be quite useful - but maybe the (not easily implemented) "minus" operation might be even better. I had to think of the last piece of Schumann's /Dichterliebe/ op. 48:

Of course, we could just ask Schumann to finally sit down and learn a bit about the basic rules of notation :-), but I'd love to be able to do something like (with \language deutsch)

r8 es2.-8 f2 ges8~
8 as2.-8 8

etc. Obviously, "2.-8" would need to use a different operator symbol, not -, for the reason you gave.


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