"Han-Wen Nienhuys" wrote:
>> - It appears that parts will not be combined when a crescendo or
>> diminuendo
>> is active.  It should be possible to have an a due part with dynamics.
> they will, but the cresc and dim should be on _both_ parts.
Would it make sense to combine parts also when only one voice has
dynamics?  That could mean less work to put in the dynamics for each
instrument (if no separate parts are made).

That also makes me wonder if lilypond merges dynamics even when the
voices aren't merged.  That would be useful, since instruments in
the orchestra usually play the same dynamic.  (For example they
could be merged when the instruments have the same dynamic for a
longer time).

>> I would like to rewrite the part-combiner, but I have a few questions
>> about doing so:
>> - How can I get the time signature from the voice?
> You have to rewrite the Recording_group_engraver to record properties
> like timeSignatureFraction and measureDuration

Ok, I'll look into it.

>> - How can I analyse a moment (for example to see if it falls withing a
>> bar)?
>> - Would it be possible to just change the scheme code (since I like more
>> writing scheme than C++ ;-) ?
> Except  for the above it should all be doable in Scheme.

Thanks, for the quick reply!

Kristof Bastiaensen

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