Hi, I’m wondering if there is a better way of writing this code:
\version "2.22.2" \new Staff { << % \time 6/8 % \clef bass \new Voice = "a" { \voiceFour \time 6/8 \clef bass \appoggiatura c,8 c1 \appoggiatura c,8 c1 } \new Voice = "b" { \voiceThree \grace s8 e1 \grace s8 e1 } >> } This is the only place I’ve found where I can place the bass clef without an additional treble clef appearing before the first appoggiatura (with multiple ledger lines). Similarly this is the only place I’ve found where I can place the time signature where it doesn’t appear after the first appoggiatura. The second appogggiatura works without problem wherever I declare the rhythm or clef (e.g. in the above commented section or in a global) I’m sure I’m missing something simple, but any suggested improvements would be most appreciated. Many thanks, Pete