> Le 26 oct. 2022 à 07:07, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> a écrit :
> Hi all
> I'm testing 2.23.80 on my private sheets and I'm looking for errors... I 
> don't know if this occurred with previous versions. Probably it did but I 
> didn't notice it as I use a build system to compile multiple files and 
> usually I don't look at the huge output (colored warnings and programming 
> errors would help BTW).
> What is this cyclic dependency? Any idea?
> The file is copyrighted but I'm happy to send it privately to anyone 
> interested in debugging it.
> Interpreting music...[8][16]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 2 or 3 pages...
> Drawing systems...
> /var/home/fede/Documenti/spartiti/ly/../Unterberger/Percfest.ily:103:25: 
> programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress encountered for 
> Slur.control-points
>   <cis_\tm cis'\4^\ti>
>                       ( \glissando <d d'\4> <a-1 a'-1>) ~ \mBreak \set 
> doubleSlurs = ##f |
> /var/home/fede/Documenti/spartiti/ly/../Unterberger/Percfest.ily:103:25: 
> continuing, cross fingers
> /var/home/fede/Documenti/spartiti/ly/../Unterberger/Percfest.ily:107:25: 
> programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress encountered for 
> Slur.control-points
>   <cis_\tm cis'\4^\ti>
>                       ( \glissando <d d'\4>\stopTextSpan \unset minimumFret 
> <d, d'>) ~ \mBreak \set doubleSlurs = ##f |
> /var/home/fede/Documenti/spartiti/ly/../Unterberger/Percfest.ily:107:25: 
> continuing, cross fingers
> Converting to `Percfest.pdf'...
> Success: compilation successfully completed

In 2.23, I have enabled the check for cyclic dependencies in all builds, not 
just in debug builds.

At least without Scheme code, you should never see such a message. It indicates 
a problem in LilyPond itself or in custom Scheme code.

Could you send the file to me?


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