Le 21/10/2022 à 00:19, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
The measure after \mBreak cumulates the durations

1st line: 4 8th notes + one half note = one whole note
2nd line: 10 8th notes + 1 quarter note = one whole note and a half

Overall: two whole notes and a half. Again, not right.

Oh, I see. Sorry, I didn't notice at first that you had attached the original.

On measure 15, the top staff in your original has a bug, it's missing a rest. The measure has 4 8th notes + 1 half note = 1 whole note, while it should have 1 whole note and a half. Judging from the other staves, there should be a half rest after the A half note.

If I add that, and change that "r1" I pointed into "R1*3/2", there are no bar check errors anymore.


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