On 6/2/05 12:43 AM, "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1-Jun-05, at 10:17 PM, Walter Hofmeister wrote:
>> On 6/1/05 5:23 PM, "Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> where did you get stuck?
>> Put the lilypond.sh script somewhere in your path. Does this mean in
>> the
>> directory where your .ly file is or in the same folder where the
>> Lilypond.app is?
> Open up Terminal (or xterm) and type
> echo $PATH
> Copy lilypond.sh so that it is in one of those folders.
Did this
>>  Customize the INSTALLED variable. I don't have the faintest
>> idea how to do this.
> export INSTALLED="whatever"
> I don't know what "whatever" should be, but that's how to set
> such variables in OSX.  (assuming 10.3 or 10.4 -- it's different in
> 10.2)
> Cheers,
> - Graham
I got it to work by looking at the script again. All I had to do was edit
the script so that INSTALLED= The path where the Lilypond.app is located.

By the way, the thick bar lines that I complained about in a previous post
prints fine, the thick lines only show up in the displayed file. Why would
that be?

Walter Hofmeister

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