Hi there, By reading this mailing list I've recently discovered how to add some text in a box to my music which doesn't affect any other elements of the score. This is an example of what I mean.
\mark \markup {\with-dimensions-from \null \translate #'(1.0 . -4.0) \override #'(font-name . "Calibra Bold ") \fontsize #3 \with-color #(x11-color "Red") \box \whiteout "Some text here" } So, my next challenge was to make this into a function so that I could alter the font, size, colour, position etc on the fly so to speak but I'm struggling with Scheme syntax here. I've managed to work out position and fontsize, but struggling with the rest. Here is how far I've got. Could someone improve on this please [ and also comment on why the 'whiteout' isn't perfect ] Thank you in anticipation. \version "2.22.1" specialbox = #(define-music-function ( coord marktext fsize ) ( pair? markup? number? ) #{ \mark \markup {\with-dimensions-from \null \translate #coord \override #'(font-name . "Calibra Bold") \fontsize #fsize \with-color #(x11-color "Red") \box \whiteout $marktext } #}) %--------------------------------------------------- melody = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 4 { c8 d e f g f e d } \break \specialbox #'(0.0 . -4.0 ) #"Testing 123" #3 \repeat unfold 4 { c8 d e f g f e d } \break } %---------------------------------------------------- \score { \new Staff { \melody } \layout { } } %----------------------------------------------------