Thanks Karlin and Michael for your kind replies, and for considering how to 
test Lilypond versions on a Windows XP machine.

It appears to be far too complicated for you to do that and I only expected 
people to take the trouble to reply in case they already knew what was going 
on.  Thank you, though, for even considering to test, but I don't expect you to 
take that trouble.

To clarify, I had no problem to download the installation file from the 
Lilypond website, and it installed nicely and indicated with a message to that 
effect when it was ready.

My problem appeared when I called the program with a simple string, such as:

"Lilypond" at the command prompt, which had worked fine with the 
earlier version (that had been fully removed before I installed the later 

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Karlin High <> 
Sent: Thursday, 13 October 2022 16:36
To: Michael Hendry <>
Cc: Dag Bergman <>;
Subject: Re: LilyPond-2.22.2 does not work on Windows XP

On 10/13/2022 10:27 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
> run legacy software on a Windows XP virtual machine

That reminds me -- Windows 7 Pro with its XP Mode based on Microsoft 
Virtual PC, that would be less of an ask.

I have remote access to one of those, but it is at a customer's place 
and is dedicated to doing batch-copying of files into NETBEUI shares for 
CNC controls still using that protocol. I better not use it for this 
testing effort. ;-)
Karlin High
Missouri, USA


-----Original Message-----
From: Karlin High <> 
Sent: Thursday, 13 October 2022 15:36
To: Dag Bergman <>;
Subject: Re: LilyPond-2.22.2 does not work on Windows XP

On 10/12/2022 6:51 PM, Dag Bergman wrote:
> I get the error message: “The system cannot execute the specified program.”

This seems like a pretty broad error. I see mentions of needing 
Right-Click -> Properties -> Unblock, to allow a downloaded executable 
to run.

Other cases involve system files or runtime libraries of some sort...


I am afraid sorting out issues like this is going to "come with the 
territory" of making operating systems keep working long after being 
abandoned by their producers. Sometimes people have major reasons for 
doing so, as in "hard binding to big equipment that costs more than a 
house to upgrade." When asking for help with them, though, the starting 
assumption in response will usually be that anything not working can be 
blamed on the expired system.

I could check my "fencerow" to see if any startable Windows XP machines 
remain in it for helping test this, but keep expectations near zero and 
allow at least a week.
Karlin High

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