Le 10/10/2022 à 13:06, Wols Lists a écrit :
On 10/10/2022 06:43, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
The problem isn’t LilyPond’s or its dependencies’ support for older macOS, which is better than even the system support. The real problem is Apple preventing you from upgrading your computer past a certain macOS version.

Which is probably down to newer versions of MacOS taking advantage of new chip features.

Linux drops support for older chips over time - it's almost impossible to get a distro that supports plain x86 any more ... Because Apple has far tighter integration between computer and OS, they can more easily upgrade in lock-step.

Well, it is also a part of their business model. At any rate,
I don't necessarily want to judge the merits of an OS/company,
but to explain that one cannot expect bleeding-edge software to
run on unsupported OSes. When you buy Apple hardware, you know
upfront what to expect with respect to upgrades. My point was to
temper the movement to investigate technical details of supporting
old macOS and remind that it is already painful enough for us to
support current OSes and architectures.

It is a perfectly reasonable solution to hope some people with
actual hardware running old macOS versions and with expertise in
macOS to produce adequate binaries, like MacPorts should be doing
shortly. So is running a system that is supported, and there are
many GNU/Linux distros out there that can be installed on such
hardware at no cost.


PS: my offer to look at the file if provided with it still stands.

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