Thanks Jean. So basically the resulting exported XML literally won't open in MuseScore because it says it's not a valid XML file, so I went and opened it in Finale Notepad and then re-exported it and the notes were all wrong. I'll have to look at how to export the MIDI fles as it requires some LilyPond code know-how and I don't really know anything about the LilyPond code. I'll think about it, since I don't need those fles ready urgently but I do need them later this month.
On Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 12:04 PM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote: > Le 04/10/2022 à 21:00, Ella Yu a écrit : > > Hi everyone, Thanks for telling me about the enable experimental > > features thing. I did finally see the export XML function but the > > results are terrible. Unfortunately I can't find the export MIDI > > option. Can someone please explain how to access it? Thanks. > > > > I am curious to know about the shortcomings of this Frescobaldi > feature. Could you tell more about it? > > MIDI export is a feature of LilyPond itself, not Frescobaldi. It's > documented here: > > > > In short, you have to wrap the music of each piece in a \score > block if it's not already the case, and add a \midi { } block > inside \score. > > Best, > Jean > > >