Hello Sam,

for 1) you can do something like
\layout {
  \context {
    \remove Dot_column_engraver
  \context {
    \consists Dot_column_engraver

  { <c' c''>2. } \\
  { \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #2.5 <bes' g'>2. }

This is not as dynamic as we’d want it to be though.

@2) Either set doubleSlurs to #t or use the \=[someID] notation, so using 
<g\=1( d\=2(> you can start (and similarly end) multiple Slurs at the same 
time. This will most likely need to be manually placed though.

But arguably it might not be a good idea to create too many Slurs for chords, 
because it tends to get hard to read, and it might cause situations where you 
confuse such slurs for ties.


Am Samstag, 1. Oktober 2022, 21:21:47 CEST schrieb Sam Carmalt:
> Hi -
> I can't figure out how to tweak two bits of my score so it looks the way I
> want.
> *Tweak 1*
> current result
> [image: tweak-1-dots.jpg]
> current code
> soprano line: bf4 | <c c,>2.| <c c,>2.
> alto line: <g df>4 | \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #2.0 <bf
> g>2. | \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #1.7 <af f>2.
> problem:
> I want the dots for the soprano notes to print together with those notes,
> and before the start of the alto notes with their dots.
> *Tweak 2*
> current result:
> [image: tweak-2-ties.jpg]
> soprano line:  | bf2 af4 |
> alto line:  | f( ef) c |
> tenor line:  | <d g,> <ef g,> <af, f> |
> bass line: | g2 d4 |
> problem: I want to add a slur between the two 1st tenor notes and another
> one between the two second tenor notes.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sam

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