You may also find some useful hints at the bottom of
(even though it's the manual for version 2.5.xx, it's relevant also for


Ruud van Silfhout wrote:

I have rewritten your lilypond file slightly, so now it produces at least the music in the order you were looking for. The idea is that you define the structure of the output tyo be produced (i.e. the \score part) separately from the text.I used the \lyricsto command instead of the addlyrics. If you look at the structure of the ChoirStaff, you see that first a Lyrics context is defined. and after that the staff. This is because contexts are created following a standard pattern and one of the rules is that the are created in the order the are created in the score. the \lyricsto command "binds" a lyrics context to a particular voice and a verse. So adding more lyricsto commands binds more verses to a <lyrics,voice> tuple. However, this is only possible if both the contexts exists. Hence the order in which you find the commands in the score definition.

I just moved the various parts of the lyrics as if they were the text for a separate voice. From what you described I am not able to reconstruct the exact layout. If you send me a scanned sample of your music i would be able to help you any further. If you need to reuse the text of the verses for the various voices I would first define the verses separeately and then combine the veres for each voice

verseOne =  \lyricmode { text of verse one }
verseTwo =  \lyricmode { text of verse two }
\tenorOne = { \verseOne \verseTwo }

this keeps the structure much more readable.

I hope this helps you back on the road.

Maintainer mutopia project

Roman Käppeler wrote:


Sorry for my question, but I am getting crazy with these lyrics you can
set at the end of my posting:

In bar 4 I have "a4 r4 d8 d" and "d4 r4 f8 f" in TenorI and BassI. Both
have to sing "Hal- la- li," on the 8th and the following 2 in the next
bar. At the momoment I reached this by a trick, but that's okay.

But whats not okay and where I am going cracy is in bar 8 where I have
"b4 r4 d8 d" in BassI. Here only BassI has to sing "Hal- la- li!" on the
8th and the following 4 in next bar. Same problem in bar 16.

Similar thing in BassII staff in bar 12.

The text for TenorI should be displayed directly over tenorI-staff and
the Text for BassII should be displayed directly under bassII-staff.

How can I do this???

\version "2.4.2"
#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)

global = {
   \key g \major
   \time 3/4
   \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f

\header {
   title = "Chor"
   composer = ""

tenorI = {
   \tempo 4 = 132      \relative c' {
       \partial 8*2 {b8 c}         % Takt 1
       d8 c b a g a                % Takt 2
       b4 c d                      % Takt 3
       a4 r4 d8 d d2               % Takt 4
       \breathe a8 b               % Takt 5
             c4. d8 c b                % Takt 6
       a4  g  a                  % Takt 7
       b2.~                      % Takt 8
       b4  r4 b8 b               % Takt 9
       a4. a8 d  d               % Takt 10
             e8 e fis4 e               % Takt 11
       d2.~                      % Takt 12
       d4 r4 d,8 d               % Takt 13
       g2 b8 b                   % Takt 14
       a2 d8 d                   % Takt 15
             b2.~                      % Takt 16
       b2 \breathe d,8 d         % Takt 17
       g2 b8 b                   % Takt 18
       a2 fis8 fis               % Takt 19
       g4 r4 g'8 g               % Takt 20
       g2                        % Takt 21
         \bar "|."

tenorII = {
   \relative c' {
       \partial 8*2 {b8 c}         % Takt 1
       d8 c b a g a                % Takt 2
       b4 c d                      % Takt 3
       a2.~                        % Takt 4
       a2 \breathe fis8 g          % Takt 5
             a4. b8 a g                  % Takt 6
       d4 b d                      % Takt 7
       g2.~                        % Takt 8
       g4 r4 g8 g                  % Takt 9
       a4. a8 a a                  % Takt 10
             cis8 cis cis4 cis           % Takt 11
       a2.~                        % Takt 12
       a4 r4 d,8 d                 % Takt 13
       g2 b8 b                     % Takt 14
       a2 d8 d                     % Takt 15
             b4 r4 g8 g                  % Takt 16
       g2 \breathe d8 d            % Takt 17
       g2 b8 b                     % Takt 18
       a2 fis8 fis                 % Takt 19
       g4 r4 b8 b                  % Takt 20
       b2                          % Takt 21
         \bar "|."


bassI = {
   \relative c' {
       \partial 8*2 {g8 a}         % Takt 1
       b8 a g d b d                % Takt 2
       g4 a b                      % Takt 3
       d,4 r4 fis8 fis             % Takt 4
       fis2 \breathe a8 b          % Takt 5
             c4. d8 c b                 % Takt 6
       a4 g a                     % Takt 7
       b4 r4 d,8 d                % Takt 8
       d4 r4 d8 e                 % Takt 9
       fis4. fis8 fis fis         % Takt 10
             g8 g a4 g                  % Takt 11
       fis2.~                     % Takt 12
       fis4 r4 d8 d               % Takt 13
       g2 b8 b                    % Takt 14
       a2 d8 d                    % Takt 15
             b4 r4 d,8 d                % Takt 16
       d2 \breathe d8 d           % Takt 17
       g2 b8 b                    % Takt 18
       a2 fis8 fis                % Takt 19
       g2.~                       % Takt 20
       g2                         % Takt 21
         \bar "|."


bassII = {
    \relative c' {
       \partial 8*2 {g8 a}         % Takt 1
       b8 a g d b d                % Takt 2
       g4 a b                      % Takt 3
       d,2.~                       % Takt 4
       d2 \breathe fis8 g          % Takt 5
             a4. b8 a g                % Takt 6
       d4 b d                    % Takt 7
       g4 r4 g,8 g               % Takt 8
       g4 r4 g8 g                % Takt 9
       d'4. d8 d d               % Takt 10
             a8 a a4 a                 % Takt 11
       d4 r4 d8 d                % Takt 12
       d4 r4 d8 d                % Takt 13
       g2 b8 b                   % Takt 14
       a2 d8 d                   % Takt 15
             b4 r4 g,8 g               % Takt 16
       g2 \breathe d'8 d         % Takt 17
       g2 b8 b                   % Takt 18
       a2 fis8 fis               % Takt 19
       g4 r4 g,8 g               % Takt 20
       g2                        % Takt 21
             \bar "|."

tenorIWords = \lyricmode {
               Heu -- te wird nicht Wacht -- tel und nicht Reb -- huhn
ge -- jagt, \skip 2 \skip 2 \skip 2 und die
               Jagd auf al -- le Vö -- gel ver -- tagt, Kei -- ner, der
das Vo -- gel-
               fest zu stö -- ren wagt. Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la --
li, Hal -- la -- la,
               Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la -- la!  Hal
-- la -- la!

tenorIIWords = \lyricmode {
               Auch der Mäu -- se -- bus -- sard und der Ad -- ler, sie
ruh'n, Hal -- la -- li, ha -- ben
               heu -- te et -- was Schön' res zu tun als im Flu -- ge
nach der
               Beu -- te aus -- zu -- schau'n. Hal -- la -- li, Hal --
la -- li, Hal -- la -- la,
               Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la -- la! Hal
-- la -- la!

bassIWords = \lyricmode {
               Grau -- e Gän -- se, wil -- de Schwa -- ne rau --  schen
her -- an, \skip 2 \skip 2 \skip 2 hoch am
               Him -- mel schwebt der Ro -- te Mi -- lan, stol -- ze Vö
-- gel, die man
               sel -- ten se -- hen kann! Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la --
li, Hal -- la -- la,
               Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la -- li, Hal -- la -- la! Hal
-- la -- la!

bassIIWords = \lyricmode {
               \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4
\skip 4
               \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4
\skip 4
               \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4
\skip 4
               Ha -- la -- li!
\skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4
               \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4
               \skip 4    \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4
               \skip 4 \skip 4
               Ha -- la -- la,

\score{    \context ChoirStaff <<
       \context Lyrics = tenorItext { s1 }
       \context Staff = tenors <<
           { \global \clef "G_8" }
           \context Voice =tenorIvoice { \voiceOne \tenorI }
           \context Voice =tenorIIvoice { \voiceTwo \tenorII }
       \context Lyrics = tenorItext \lyricsto tenorIvoice \tenorIWords
       \context Lyrics = tenorIItext \lyricsto tenorIIvoice \tenorIIWords
       \context Lyrics = bassItext { s1 }
       \context Staff = bassi <<
           { \global \clef bass }
           \context Voice = bassIvoice { \voiceOne \tenorI }
           \context Voice = bassIIvoice { \voiceTwo \bassII }
       \context Lyrics = bassItext \lyricsto bassIvoice \bassIWords
       \context Lyrics = bassIItext \lyricsto bassIIvoice \bassIIWords
   \layout {}

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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