I was wondering if it could be done automatically. I've tried

I don't know what's best. For a much larger portion of the music, it might be a valid warning. Ideas?
i can think of instances where a warning is valid, but the only ones that come to mind right off the bat are generally stylistic issues; for example, when beaming a 16th note to a dotted 8th rest in most common forms of classical music notation.

what other situations for valid warnings are there that i'm overlooking? this might clarify understanding of autoBeam and help find an idea for a creative approach to the issue (i'm sure you guys have thought these things through, especially being active instrumentalists yourselves).

i can beam the following with no warning about "less than two visible stems": a16[ r8 a16]. whereas a16[ r8.] gives me the warning.

if it is indeed primarily a style issue, perhaps a (set-xxxx-style) function would be possible. there are various automatic accidental environments with different rules which are set with the (set-accidental-style) function.

would it be feasible to implement different automatic beaming environments? perhaps with an argument in the context part of the function to indicate which beat duration then gets checked for potential mistakes? for example, one could indicate # (set-automaticBeaming-style 'restInclusion #('quarters#)) [forgive me if that's senseless code!]. this would indicate, for example, that rests can be beamed to notes, even in groups of two (one rest, one note), and that automatic beaming is undertaken for every quarter note beat. this would perhaps also allow for zeroguy's desire to not have to manually place the square brackets all the time. one could also then choose #(set-automaticBeaming-style 'default), like with the accidental styles, which would then give the warnings we get now, and which would be default.

again, i have no understanding of the underlying programming involved, so forgive me if the implementation of such a suggestion would mean rewriting everything.

Sean Reed
Hamburg, Germany
Web: www.seanreed.de

using the autoBeam feature, but it doesn't seem to do it across rests.
Is there any option to turn on to allow this to happen automatically?
(As opposed to typing in the '['s all the time.)


 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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