Hello everyone, When using convert.ly (\version “2.23.12”) everything is fine as I do not work on complex scores. But if I compile a 2.19.81 file, for example, converted into 2.23.12 everything goes well except for a few errors (always the same) which seem to have been overlooked by convert-ly during the conversion. In the case of my old files which compile well with 2.18.2 or 2.19.81, \override ChordName #'font-series = #’bold
I have to manually transform this declaration into: \override ChordName.font-series = #’bold or: top-markup-spacing #'basic-distance=#0 which becomes top-markup-spacing.basic-distance=#0 The messages are: /Users/JLT/Documents/Lilypond/Partitions/Irlandais/Poll Ha'Penny/Poll-Ha-Penny.ly:87:23: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in property path ChordName.font-series \override ChordName #'font-series = #’bold /Users/JLT/Documents/Lilypond/Partitions/Irlandais/Poll Ha'Penny/Poll-Ha-Penny.ly:184:19: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in property path Beam.length-fraction \override Beam #'length-fraction = #1.2 /Users/JLT/Documents/Lilypond/Partitions/Irlandais/Poll Ha'Penny/Poll-Ha-Penny.ly:185:19: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in property path Tie.thickness \override Tie #'thickness = #3 So my question is: is this an oversight in the writing of convert.ly or is it too complicated to implement this control in the conversion process of convert.ly? Thank you JLouis