As far as reducing the size of the paper,
if it you just need to reduce it without any change in the layout,
it is easy to do it at the level of the PDF output.
Just print the PDF output to a new PDF with a certain percentage of scaling and choosing a
personal page size (or choosing the page size and fit to page) will do the trick.
Le 13.09.22 à 07:41, Eef Weenink a écrit :
Gilles Thibout made a very well lilypond library what handles all you are
asking for.
It has a steep learning line(at least my experience). Once the notes of your composition
are written down, you do not need to copy them again.
Check it out, it might be what you need.
Met vriendelijke groet, Eef
H.E. Weenink MBA
Op 12 sep. 2022 om 19:28 heeft Greg Lindstrom <> het volgende
I have created my first full score for brass band and euphonium solo using Lilypond
(and Frescobaldi). The score looks wonderful; I've had it bound at a local print shop
and it looks downright professional. There are a number of things to correct and I've
created an issue for each and will correct them and reengrave. Being a
professional computer programmer, I went to the trouble of checking everything into a
code repository (github) to ensure I can track all my changes and not lose all this
work if my computer decides to die.
I've ordered the Lilypond manual from Lulu and plan to read through it to learn more
about Lilypond; I do much better with printed media rather than electronic. but have
1. I'd like to place line and page breaks in the individual parts. Being a
player, I
appreciate when consideration is taken as to where page breaks fall. I have
individual files for each part with the "notes" in a separate file and the
bringing everything together. Is it possible to place breaks in the part so
it does
not affect the score?
2. The score looks best on 11" x 17" paper but the first print shop I
contacted could
not spiral bind anything that large (I found another shop which could do it
and I'm
glad I did). I set the paper size in the score to 8.5" x 11" and while
things can
fit, it is extremely cramped. Is there a setting to reduce the size of
(staves, notes, dynamics, etc.) as I reduce the paper size?
3. On the individual part, I'd like to place the instrument name in the upper
corner of the page. Currently, it is on the first staff.
4. Can I place a header on the second and following pages which would show the
and page number of the piece in a smaller font than the first page?
Perhaps all of this is in the manual which will be arriving in the next few days. But
any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help. I hope to start writing code snippets and answering questions as
I gain more experience.
Silvain Dupertuis
Route de Lausanne 335
1293 Bellevue (Switzerland)
tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67
portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52
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